Special Events
Fly Fishing Giveaway to Pyramid Lake with Brian Oakland – Got Fishing, Lahontan Cutthroat Trout
Dave - Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/giveaway I talked to Brian Oakland from Got Fishing to talk about the big Giveaway for the Pyramid Lake Fishing Trip. The Giveaway launched this week along with Dennis from Wild Fish Wild Places. Brian Sheds some light on Pyramid Lake and why it's such a big destination in North American and how you might catch a 20 lb trout.
Fly Fishing Mexico Trips to La Pescadora Fly Fishing Lodge
Join Dave from the Wet Fly Swing Podcast on this hosted trip to one of the great salt water destinations in the world for the Big 3 Species.
Click Here for more information on the La Pescadora Fly Fishing Trip Brian Oakland from Got Fishing was on the podcast in a recent...
Hosted Fly Fishing Trips to the Olympic Peninsula
I do one hosted trip to the Olympic Peninsula each winter with Jack Mitchell and the Evening Hatch Crew. You can get more information on this trip by clicking below.
Click here for more information on the Olympic Peninsula Steelhead Trip You can listen to my podcast episode with Jack Mitchell on the OP...
Click the link below to take the Fly Fisherman's Fantasy Trip Survey! This is the next big thing for the podcast and what I hope I can build along with you. Click here to take the Fly Fisherman's Fantasy Trip Survey
A short post about the fly fishing giveaway that is ending this week. Click Here to Enter to Win the Giveaway We have 6 products worth over $450 including a Moonshine fly rod, Breakline Glasses, Ty-rite, Grey Drake Fly Wallet and Rock Treads. Click here to watch the video: I also noted the how to use the Ty-Rite video in the video above. ...
Special Events
Bonus – The Tactical Fly Fisher Book Review – Devin Olsen, Euro Nymphing, Tips for Trout
Dave - Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/tactical Devin Olsen is back on the podcast for the second time. Our first 2-time guest! Devin shares his most recent book - Tactical Fly Fishing. Leave a comment below if you like this type of bonus episode and if there are other things you would do for these book reviews.
Any support that you show for the Wet Fly Swing Fly Fishing Podcast or Brand will go to Conservation in your area. This is one small way that we will be giving back to help support resources around the country and world. You can go to https://wetflyswing.com/show/ and scroll down mid way through the page and click the donate button. Also, at any point...
This page is dedicated to covering the various Guest Posting connections I have made with other fisherman, companies and people. I have included blog posts, youtube videos and podcast guest posts. Guest posting is where either I, or another website owner writes a specific article for each others sites or share a connection in some way. The idea is to provide...
As noted on the podcast, you can click on the link below to get updates for the podcast and be notified when the new Live Fly Tying Webinar is live! Click here to join the Wet Fly Swing Tribe
Click the link below to enter the fly fishing Book Giveaway: Click here to enter the Giveaway