Show Notes: Ken Morrish is on the podcast to share the story of how he built created and became one of the leading travel companies at Fly Water Travel plus we dig into some tips on dry fly tying design and the top 6 dry fly patterns Ken created.
I show you how to tie the Green-Butt Skunk Dark in today's fly tying tutorial. The green butt is a classic steelhead fly and today demonstrate the classic hair wing style. This fly works great swinging for summer steelhead but is an all around killer steelhead color (click here to see a post that describes steelhead fly colors). Click here to...
Show Notes: Presented By: Fly Fishing Film Tour, Dette Flies Sponsors: Landon Mayer is back on the podcast this time to share some of his go-to guide flies - how to fish and tie them. Find out the difference between his Mini Leech and the Wooly Bugger, why he likes to sink some of his dry flies, and which of his original flies was not accepted by Umpqua Feather Merchants. Discover 7 Easy Fly Patterns that you can tie today!
In today's fly tying video I show you how to tie a Pick Yer Pocket Steelhead Fly. This is a great pattern for summer and winter steelhead and can be fished in very diverse situations. Tie it sparse and fish it for summers. Push a little water or a lot, it's all good with this fly. Simon Gawesworth noted in...
In todays fly tying video I show you how to tie an Undertaker steelhead fly pattern which was originated by Wayne Duncan for Atlantic Salmon. It has since become a very attractive fly for steelhead fishing. Take a look at this link if you want to see Wayne recite poetry while tying one of his flies (sorry for the poor...
Fly Tying
WFS 107 – Fly Tying with Pat Cohen – Deer Hair Poppers, RU Superfly, Smallmouth Bass, Tattoo Art
Dave - Show Notes: We hear the Pat Cohen story and how Pat went from a tattoo artist to one of the most popular fly tyers in the country. Pat specializes in tying deer hair poppers. He is also a smallmouth bass master and digs into some of his best bass tips today. Pat shares exactly how to tie a great bass popper including the best materials, tools and techniques. We hear the story of getting the bug from his first top water catch and then quickly won rookie of the year in fly tying after just a few months.
Show Notes: Rich Strolis shares his story and how he has become known as one of the big streamer guys. Rich breaks down how he designs flies and what he thinks about when coming up with new patterns. We hear which hooks Rich loves, how to determine what color to use for your patterns and why he gets fired up about the dumming down of fly fishing.
Fly Tying
WFS 217 – Jack Dennis on Fly Fishing – Western Trout Fly Tying, Curt Gowdy, Gary Lafontaine
Dave - Show Notes: Sponsor: Sawyer Oars: Sponsor: Turtlebox Audio: I sat down with one of the biggest living influencers in fly fishing. Jack Dennis tells the story of Curt Gowdy, Ted Williams, Arnold Palmer, and many other stories of his famous friends from a life in fly fishing.
In todays video I show you how to tie the Suskwa Poacher. This was noted by Jack Mitchell in episode 2 of the Wet Fly Swing Fly Fishing Podcast (link below). This is a great winter steelhead fly in the egg sucking variety. I noted the link to the trailer hook video so here it is: How to Tie a...
Show Notes: Presented By: Trxstle, Dette Flies, Togens Fly Shop, Fly Fishing Film Tour Sponsors: Nick Pionessa, a professional fly tier from New York takes us on a journey today of becoming a full-time production fly tier, tying over 100 dry flies for trout a day. We hear about the story of how he got started fly tying and eventually made a living out of it. Nick walks us through some of the most effective and requested dry fly patterns.