jake jordan
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/204 Sponsor: Stonefly Nets: https://wetflyswing.com/opst Sponsor: Anglers Coffee: https://wetflyswing.com/sawyer Captain Jake Jordan has been leading the way on saltwater fly fishing and billfish trips for most of our lives.  Jake walks us through the steps to plan and catch your first billfish this year.  Hint:  It's not as hard as you might think (or as expensive)!
lori-ann murphy
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/195 Sponsor: Stonefly Nets: https://wetflyswing.com/stonefly Sponsor: Anglers Coffee: https://wetflyswing.com/anglers Lori-Ann Murphy shares the story of how she moved from a career in nursing over to guiding full time and then to Belize Fly Fishing.  She chose a life of traveling over the status quo.  We talk about bonefish, permit and tarpon today and how you can put together a trip this year.
mike lawson henrys fork
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/190 Sponsor: Turtlebox Audio: https://wetflyswing.com/turtlebox Mike Lawson from Henrys Fork Anglers is on the podcast to break down the Green Drake hatch and fishing mayflies on the Henrys Fork.  Mike sheds some light on different bugs and some entomology to help you on the water.
northbound steelhead
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/188 Sponsor: Stonefly Nets: https://wetflyswing.com/stonefly Sponsor: Anglers Coffee: https://wetflyswing.com/anglers Todd Scharf shares some huge tips on finding Skeena river steelhead and the gear you need to have a successful trip up north in British Columbia.  Todd runs the legendary Skeena Steelhead lodge and provides some insight on a 10 year commitment.
fly water travel
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/181 Ken Morrish is on the podcast to share the story of how he built created and became one of the leading travel companies at Fly Water Travel plus we dig into some tips on dry fly tying design and the top 6 dry fly patterns Ken created.
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/wintergear I've been getting some questions about the need for a winter steelhead fly fishing gear list for the upcoming Olympic Peninsula Steelhead Trip. I'll breakdown the basics today so we can assure you have the major items given rain, cold, sun, sleet, hail or any and all of the above.  Because it is February in the Pacific Northwest, we prepare for any condition.
peter morse
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/111 Peter Morse, aka the Lefty Kreh of Australia, shares his vast knowledge on a life fishing and living in Australia.  Peter shares some tips for Australia Fly Fishing with a focus on catching Baramundi including the life cycle and when and where to target them. Hear about the TV show that Peter put together for prime time that lasted five seasons.  I have the biggest name in the world of fly fishing today so excited to introduce you to Peter Morse if you hadn't heard of him yet.
john mccloskey
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/dryfly We cover trout spey with Captain John McCloskey aka Dry Fly John on Instagram.  John goes deep into how he catches trout on the Chattahoochee River and the Naknek River out of Alaska.  John is teaching spey in Georgia, a place where it hasn't totally consumed everyone quite yet. Tons of great tips including the best rod, lines, how to cast and how he teaches spey.  We talk about the difference between spey, switch and single hand and how to present the fly to different trout species. 
la pescadora
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/ascension Brian Oakland shares the experience that is fly fishing the Yucatan and La Pescadora in Mexico.  Brian is the founder of Got Fishing and takes you to the water today on the podcast.  This area of Ascension Bay is known for the opportunity to catch the big 4 - tarpon, permit, bonefish and snook. We talk about all of the juicy details and adventures that come with putting together an amazing trip like this one to one of the amazing locations on the planet.  This lodge is a special place and is obvious when you hear Brian describe the family atmosphere a trip of a lifetime.
kulik lodge
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/130 We get some background on Kulik Lodge and Fly Fishing for coho salmon with Bryce Rushbrook.  Bryce tells us what you can do to prepare for a big Alaska trip with a focus on Bristol Bay. We find out how Bryce became a Sweetwater success story and now has a strong guiding background.  Kyle provides some tips for your first trip to Alaska and how to make the most of your journey.
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