Morten Valeur, the founder of Ahrex Hooks, is on to shed some light on how and why he started a new hook company and how they have emerged as one of the leaders in the world.


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Ahrex Hooks with Morten Valeur

Find about the new hooks they have coming up this year and how you can replace some of your current hook line up.  We hear about all of the big streamer mentors in Europe and the US on the podcast this week.


Click here –>>>  Morten Valeur Podcast Transcript for the full transcript or scroll down to the bottom to read the transcript.


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Ahrex Hooks Show Notes with the Morten

01:50 – Martin Joergensen was on the podcast in episode 99 here from the Global Fly Fisher.

05:50 – Matt Callies from Loon was on the podcast in episode 147 and talked about loving the fly fishing industry and family.

07:05 – Partridge, Tiemco and many others are making great hooks.  Ahrex is known for their large musky hooks.

10:15 –  Andreas Andersson is a big Pike guy and helped Morten with some Ahrex hook design.

21:30 – Steve from Regal has been helping to develop the bomber hook for dry fly fishing.

26:00 – The trout predator hook is one of their top and 6/0 Big hook for musky.


28:30 – I met Morten in person at IFTD in 2019. 

29:30 – Kelly Galloup was on the podcast here and Gunnar Brammer was on here.

34:10 – Niklaus Bauer is a big pike fisher in Europe.

35:55 – The Outcast Prowler is the goto watercraft.

39:40 – Morten noted Bob Popovich’s flies and the beast fly style.

47:05 – Morten loves the Radion 908 Scott rod and the Scott Sector for salt.  

48:30 – Here is the affiliate link we have set up with the Gorge Fly Shop.

50:00 – The Scientific Anglers 7×7 knotable bite wire

59:00 – Pat Cohen and Rich Strolis were on the podcast here.  You can find links to both of their new books in the show notes at those links.


You can find Morten at

10 Pike fly fishing tips

  • December to the end of march is best fishing
  • Pike is a great starter species to start fly fishing for
  • float tube with 6-8 weight rods is recommneded
  • Need to fish slowly with light weight flies and intermediate fly line
  • in winter make sure to pause a lot on your strips
  • Make sure your tails on flies are not too long (avoid missing fish)
  • Use good bite wire
  • Black is number 1 and white is number 2 colors
  • Make your flies super lightweight – most important thing
  • You don’t need barbs

Resources Noted in the Show

 trout predator hook 

trout predator hook


Radion 908 Scott Fly Rod


Videos and/or podcasts Noted in the Show

Video of Morten tying flies

Bob Popovich beast fly video


Read the Full Transcript with Morten Morten Valeur:

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Morten 0:00
Don’t fish with flies that have too long tails in the winter. It seems like pi Cabot tendency to to attack more often behind when the waters cold as to when it’s warmer, they attack more for the side. So you will have a lot of takes just you know, maybe just attacking if they if they take the fire directly from behind it and only

Dave S 0:24
that was Martin Luther with a nice little tip for your next pike trip. The man behind a Rex hooks today on the wet fly swing fly fishing show. Welcome to the wet fly swing fly fishing show where you discover tips,

Unknown Speaker 0:38
tricks and tools from the leading names in fly fishing. today.

Dave S 0:42
We’ll help you on your fly fishing journey with classic stories covering steelhead fishing, fly tying and much more. Hey, how’s it going? everyone thanks for stopping by the fly fishing show. Morton valuer who has one of the hottest hook companies on the market is here to tell his story. We find out about some of their new hook surprises. Coming up this year, find out which resources he recommends for streamers and who he thinks should be. You should be following. stay here till the end with a little nice bonus that I’m going to tuck in if you if you stick around to the very end. So without further ado, here’s Morton valor from a Rex How’s it going, Martin?

Morten 1:22
Oh, good here in Denmark. Shining. Yeah. Nice. Really nice days. The middle of the summer here now and fishing is great. So yeah. Oh, good here.

Dave S 1:32
That’s cool. Yeah, we were just kind of just briefly chatting off here, right? I’ve interviewed a few people. I think, Martin Jordan, your godson is one from your neck of the woods and I’ve had a few people over around Europe but this is great to dig into it because your your name and your company has come up quite a bit, especially talking about pike and some other flight tying and stuff. So I’m interested to hear how, how that all came to be but maybe you just first talk about how you first got into fly fishing and then how that came into Your company.

Morten 2:02
Yeah, that’s a really good question. Maybe not a short one to answer really. It’s it’s a been I’m 55 now almost 55 at least and I’ve been fly fishing since I was 18 but started fishing when I was five. I grew up very close to a small pond and everybody else has started fishing there. And actually, we still the company is actually only still only 200 meters from the pond. So I’m kind of back to my roots doing this now but I’ve been in the industry fly fishing industry since I was 18. I worked in a shop where we had generals sporting goods, you can say but and fishing was one of them. And then I started fly fishing and well as well. So I was 18 when I started fly fishing. Did you just jump into as far as species was a brown trout pike? What was the first thing you got into as a kid it was


I think the mostly perch and Smaller species like white fish. That’s, that’s what is that’s in the lake down hill of this small pond here. And when I grew older I started pike fishing when it was start riding my bikes around my area here. And we have a lot of small pike lakes here. So that was the next species on my list. brown trout and see ron brown trout came on later, actually, when I was growing up, so I grew up with the with, yeah, perch, white fish and pike. I would say that’s the main species from the beginning. Gotcha. Yeah.

Dave S 3:33
Okay. Yeah. So you started so you’re in the shops over there and getting into that, and then I know you’ve written some books and some articles and then how, yeah, how did you bring that all into that? Yeah, maybe we can talk first about your books and then also and then how you brought that into the company. a wreck sucks.

Morten 3:51
Yeah, baby, because when I was when I was in the shop for maybe six or seven years and then I took some more education. And back in 95, my brother and I actually started a wholesale company just selling fly tying materials, mainly here in Scandinavia. And we actually, we’ve been doing that for almost 25 years. Actually, we just sold that company a couple of years ago. And then out of that came a Rex. And the main reason actually was I don’t want to blame other hook brands or anything, but we experienced a lot of difficulties in having all hooks in all sizes in stock all the time. So I kind of felt there was a market out there if you and I didn’t know if we could do it better or not. And and Time will tell. But that’s why that’s the route to to a bricks actually. So yeah, so we actually yeah, we’ve been in the industry for many, many years now and it but then again, there’s two things here. One thing is that Fly fishing and what we our passion and the other thing is the you can call it the business side of things but to me it’s it’s it kind of, it’s the same. It’s it’s a passion both for the fly fishing and for the hooks as well. It’s, it’s, yeah, it’s a way of living actually, I think a lot of people in this industry can recognize that it’s and guides and you progress as well. It’s hard to to keep those things apart.

Dave S 5:34
It is as I was just editing a podcast, I can’t remember who it was, but they were talking about that same thing. how, you know, you might not make a bazillion dollars, you know, but it’s just a way of life and it’s a pretty I know who was it was Matt Kelly’s the you know, with loon outdoors? Yeah. And he was saying that. Yeah. And that just that he said, You know what? I asked him the question I asked him, he’s got some kids. He’s got a seven year old that Yeah, got like eight fish over 20 inches already. And I’m like, yeah, so if that kid becomes a guide, are you good with it? And he was like, Yeah, I think it’d be awesome because he loves the industry. Does that. Yeah, you feel you? You kind of love The Yeah,

Morten 6:12
for sure. I know, Matt quite well actually and have the highest respect for him and what he’s doing. I totally agree it is. As you said, You’ll never be super rich selling flyovers. I know that but it’s it’s a it’s a really, it’s a fun job. You meet a lot of people, you can do what you like and love. And I think that’s probably more important than anything else. And I think, from what you’re telling, Matt is sharing that. The views on that I agree. It’s, it’s, it’s, it’s it how it is for us, at least for sure.

Dave S 6:49
That’s cool, though. Right? Who are the other? I mean, who’s the other big company, I guess his partners are there. How many companies are there competing with you guys in your next You know, in Europe, I guess or that yes,

Morten 7:01
there’s a lot of brands out there harsh gemco, gamakatsu, firehole.

Prime, many Kona, there’s a lot of brands and I think and the thing is actually to be honest, I think all these companies make a lot of very good hooks. And and you can all say why are we better or anything? I don’t think we are better but I think we have maybe have come up with a few designs that people like and and think they will be very useful with their fishing. I think some of the hooks we made for muskie, for example, has been quite well received then. And I think that actually comes out of our interest in fly fishing ourselves and we have a kind of an idea how hooks should look and how it works. But I wouldn’t say that we are much better than anybody else. I think we just were very focused on what we’re doing. And we don’t pay too much attention to what other companies So doing I, I know them quite well, because we’ve been wholesalers back in the day, so I know them quite well. I’d have respect for them. And I know they’re doing a good job and and we just try to do just as good job I would say exactly.

Unknown Speaker 8:16

Dave S 8:16
yeah, and your hooks in that and I, like I said, there’s been a few people that have talked about, you know, when I asked the question, which hooks occasion I asked what what hooks you use, you know, and your name comes up. So when you talk about the muskie or pike hooks or some of that stuff, or just streamers in general, can you describe your hook and how maybe it is a little bit different than something else that’s out there? How it’s unique.

Morten 8:39
Yeah, I think it’s actually two things you asking about here because I want to separate it a little bit. If you look at the predator side, if you look at pike and muskie, that’s one thing. Then you have the whole scene around the what we call trout predator guys hunting for big tribe with big streamers. You have A lot of well known names out there doing that. And and, and I think that’s a pretty that’s a growing thing I would say. So I think both both areas if we start up the pike and muskie and even maybe some of the bigger saltwater species as well, I think we have a fishing pike myself I think we all do over here actually, I think we have a pretty good idea how the book should look. And it’s something to do with weight weight of the hook and hook gap if you build big streamers you want still they want a big hook gap and and you want to strong enough so you can’t make them to light if it’s but if you have a surface line you wanted light and all that and I think we know that I think we we got that in our blood. I know how we want the hook for exactly that. And I think that is recognized by both pipe fishermen and muskie guys, so yeah. When it comes to the the Trump side of things, we don’t have These big trout over here. And it’s not I think it came out of America, us the these, the hunting for the big crowds. And but we have one guy over here who’s really good at it. And that’s Andreas Anderson probably know that as well. Yep. And he’s a very good friend of mine and he helped out creating a building more or less all the hooks we have in that category. And so and he that was out of his experience from from the US and being friends with Ross Madden and a lot of the other guides in the US. So I’ve got a lot of Intel from from really, very experienced anglers and fly fishermen on that, that series of hooks. So I think that’s what we’re doing. We list some of the things we know ourselves from experience and where we don’t know anything. We just we listen to the people

Dave S 10:55
doing it every day. There you go. Yeah, there you go. That’s awesome. Okay, so So basically, I mean, like you said, one of the biggest tips is you listen to your customers and your in your, you know your people to let them tell you what to do. I mean, can you describe the process for somebody who doesn’t know how a hook? I mean, you could talk a lot about the design, you’ve talked a little bit about there, but how does a hook actually become what what does that process look like? Where does it you know, from your idea from a design, you’re out there fishing and you think, you know, you’re gonna do this. Can you talk a little about the manufacturing and how all that works?

Unknown Speaker 11:25
Yeah, for sure.

Morten 11:28
I think it always comes up as an idea when you’re fishing actually, maybe not ourselves, but friends, and people just riding. We have this kind of fishery, we really need a hook that looks like this. And then we will look into that and see if there’s any one thing for sure, we need to check is that a big, big enough market to do this because one of the issues with Hook manufacturing is, is the amount of folks who need to order just to make a new design. So,

Dave S 12:02
how many is that? What typically on average, how many of you? It’s like, yeah, 10,000 are

Morten 12:08
we looking most companies today in we’re not manufacturing the hooksett ourselves. We are. We’re working with both Japanese and Weejun and French hook manufacturers who are specialists in doing it, and they will make you the hook you want. And it depends on which company you’re working with. But most of the company’s asking 100,000 hooks pore size. So it’s, so you need to be you need to be pretty sure that it’s a hook that will

Dave S 12:41
have you had Have you had a situation where you got 100,000 hooks and and they weren’t good. You couldn’t sell it.

Morten 12:47
No, not not. Not yet. Yeah. But then again, I think we are different from other companies as well, because we don’t mind actually if who doesn’t become a huge seller. Anything if it fills a gap, and there’s enough, you know, enough people wanting it, we find with it, we don’t mind stocking a hook for maybe, let’s say a size in one model for several years. It’s not as long as we have other models and sizes that sell. Okay, uh, well, I think we’re fine with having sizes that don’t do that. So I don’t think we will ever discontinue models. Just because it’s not selling. I think it’s, I think you need to, I think you need to still be able to buy these special I know for myself, I’ve been flight I’ll fly tying flies from more than 30 years. And I think you get pretty annoyed when you find who you really like, and then this thing’s discontinued. I think a lot of people recognize that and I don’t like that. So I kind of promised myself that we wouldn’t do that. We’ll see in 10 years. You can ask me again in 10 minutes, right?

Dave S 13:58
That’s right. See if you’re still go if you’re still ghosts. Are you mentioned a bunch of companies at the start do is is it pretty much all those big companies? I mean, you’re one of the big companies now in the world and you know and in hooks I mean, are they all using kind of the same companies for manufacturing or they’re just a bunch of manufacturing companies?

Morten 14:16
Yeah, I’m To be honest, I’m not hundred percent sure about the different brands but I bought I know, I think in to my knowledge, at least I know that gamakatsu have their own production.

Dave S 14:27
Okay. So yeah, I was just asking about curious on the, you know, the manufacturers but it sounds like that. You don’t know exactly, but there’s probably a number of different manufacturers for some of the big brands.

Morten 14:40
Yeah, it’s no secret who makes the hooks actually in the world. It’s it’s mastered it’s VMC is a lot of Japanese combi companies. They are manufacturing the hooks and I think most of us are using these manufacturers and and the thing is, you could say why The big companies do this themselves and they do a lot of these companies do have their own fly hooks as well. I think I think the reason why there’s a room for a company like us and other companies alike is that we’re specialists on fly fishing and and you know fly fishing is a special group of people and and all I think all fly tires and fly fishermen have their own ideas how who should look and maybe these bigger companies all don’t always have both the time and, and an interest in doing such small numbers to be honest, which fly fishing is compared to maybe spin fishing for bass, something else? So I think there’s a room for small companies like us and others to to accommodate this and make the hooks to the market or the five times want. Yeah. That

makes that makes sense.

Dave S 15:58
Yeah, it does. So basically, so look Going out the process you have an idea you have some concept in your mind you you maybe send the company over a sketch or do you do some sort of a like 3d computer CAD design? Or do you just Yeah, yeah, send over a design and then they get it and then they can just produce it and send you get some samples that you can take a look at. And actually you Yes, yeah. And then yeah, yeah. Then you test it. Then you say, Okay, this is good to go and go for the next then you they send you an order. Exactly.

Morten 16:25
Yeah, exactly. That’s, that’s actually how it works. And it said, that’s the process. Yeah,

Dave S 16:30
yeah. Okay.

Morten 16:32
Perfect. We normally just get one size to check and that’s and that’s also enough, you can use it is a different thing to have the hook in your hand, maybe tie a few flies on it. And you really notice that maybe the shank should be one millimeter longer or something like that. And the gap was a little bit too small and it’s small adjustments in them but this they are pretty important. I would say. It’s almost always the last small touches that makes who great I would say it’s in my opinion at least Yeah. How is

Dave S 17:04
the hook you know this sharp you know the point and the the sharpness of the hook I mean can you talk about that or is that pretty common that most of the good companies have a similar you know the point stays sharp you know how often maybe talk about that yeah how often do you have to sharpen sharpen your or do you sharpen when you’re out there fishing for say pike

Morten 17:22
I’m old fashioned.

Unknown Speaker 17:23
Yeah so I do

Morten 17:27
honestly I don’t think a lot of the newer hooks you see out in the market today, most of them are really good quality and and are what you call chemical chemical shop. And so but then again, you know, you sell if you fish in the lake with rocks and and all idea yeah, and you’ll hit a rock now and then then you have to resharpen it for sure. And I do that I think that’s important to stay sharp all the time. So but I think out of the box today, all almost all hooks today, really good quality, I would say so you You don’t have to do it that often and they are stronger today in the point than when they were maybe 10 years ago. So a lot of things have changed to be honest. It’s it’s and the process how they do it is more accurate and yeah, it’s it’s, it’s buried, actually, honestly, it’s very, I think it’s difficult to find a really bad hook out there today. It’s, most companies are doing a really good job now.

Dave S 18:26
Gotcha. So if you’re out there fishing for whatever species, pike or brown Browns or anything, after you catch a number of fish, do you find that with your hooks? Or? I mean, you should you have a sharpener with you to keep it sharp. Is that something

Morten 18:40
No, not No, no, not if it’s, it’s if it’s only catching fish, I would say you don’t need to sharpen it. It’s more when you drag

Dave S 18:47
in the ball and get stuck in the bottom.

Morten 18:51
hit a rock or something like that, then then you might want to resharpen But otherwise, I think you’d be fine. That’s pretty sure. Yeah,

Dave S 18:59
yeah. I grew up You know Mustang you mentioned Mustang I grew up the I think it was a 36 890 the steel you know yeah steel head hooked up by in the black and man i mean i still I still have those hooks I got piles of those things and yeah, I mean if you look at that hook say back when you started in the 80s or you know early 90s you know do you have a first maybe what is your Huck what would be your recommendation for replacement for if somebody is fishing for steelhead? Or I guess you could maybe say Atlantic’s and what would you say what would be the comparable hook you guys have now?

Morten 19:31
Well, we’re talking about a hook to tie Oh, no. Do you use it? Do you think a tube

Dave S 19:38
right right right. Yeah, that’s a that’s a good question. I wasn’t even thinking tubes. So yeah, I was thinking to hooks to tie on do you guys do a lot of baby can talk about that? Yeah, I do do a lot of both.

Morten 19:48
Yeah, because I think in Scandinavia to fly fishing have taken over quite a lot from from standard hooks. fly’s tight on the hook. So yeah, we do both tube singles chip doubles and over here we are allowed to use choose travels as well. Even though that is changing, I think you’re seeing more and more fisheries asking for either tube doubles or even cheap singles, which is a good thing. I think we’re moving in the right direction. You’ve been doing this for many many years and only allowing people to fish with tubes a lot singles, which is a great thing. I think it’s down to the tradition. Honestly. It’s been a there’s a long tradition for using travels in both UK and Norway, Sweden and even in Denmark so yeah, but it’s changing. When it comes to seminars, stealing hooks for tying, we do have a few two hooks for for for tying. steelhead parents are no but we even have a few trailer hooks for if you you if you type

Dave S 21:00
Yep. intruder intruder since

Morten 21:02
it Yeah, exactly. So I think we got it covered now but it is one of the areas we want to expand to be honest and one of the hooks and I’m actually telling a small secret but I’m fine with doing that with you. Yeah, we actually need to do be introducing a bumper hook this fall. And summer. Good guys in the US has been involved in that. Steve silverio is one of them. You probably knew from regal. Oh, right. And he’s been involved. Yeah. So he’s been very helpful in in that design and how it should look so that that’ll be out in the

Dave S 21:36
fall. What is that? Can you can you say that again? What was that called?

Morten 21:39
A bumper hook for butterflies.

Dave S 21:42
Dry flies. Can you clarify exactly what that what that is?

Morten 21:48
It’s a deer fly where you have a hackle one through it. It looks like oh yeah, it is called. I don’t know. I don’t have another name for that. I think it’s called bumper or be like

Dave S 22:01
a like a bomb or like a bomb or fly. Like Yeah, yeah bomber like yeah it’s just a basically spun or stack deer hair with with a hackle going through the middle kind of. Yeah. Fly for steelhead or whatever. Yeah,

Morten 22:13
exactly. Yep. And that’s one of the new additions for for the fall. That’s right. actually made, right, we think. Yeah,

Dave S 22:22
that’s right. Is that is that have a bit? I guess like you mentioned the gap. Does that hook have a bigger gap? Or? Yes, me. Exactly. That’s one

Morten 22:29
of the issue. Yeah. Right. That’s one of the issues with that kind of focus, very important that you don’t get the gap, the gap must have to have a certain width. Otherwise, you’d have you know, you will miss a few fish because you have the deer hair, and it takes up space underneath the hood and all that. So we’ve taken that into consideration. So it’s, yeah, gotcha. Cool. And,

Dave S 22:56
yeah, I mean, there’s obviously a ton of things. We can go into No, go go down some paths here. I mean, do you have as far as the history of some of the hooks and kind of hook design? Are you like, would you consider yourself kind of a history buff? Or is that something that you maybe don’t know as much about? And I and I asked I guess maybe I’ll just ask the question. The question I was thinking was, you know, again going back to these older hooks, you know, the the spro Limerick, there’s these different name, you know, names for styles of hooks, and I don’t know is that still, is that still kind of around? And do you have different names? I mean, how do you name your your hooks? I obviously you have a numbering system, but can you describe that a little bit? Yeah.

Morten 23:31
Yeah, it’s actually funny you asked because I think a lot of these names still is still around, I can use them as well. And Limerick for example, for the band and it’s still a very popular band and and we using that on both our wet fly hooks and we’re working on a new, a new stream of bogus well, where where we have the Limerick bend and I think it’s still very appealing. You even see one of our hooks, having And Aberdeen bend. So I think I think, you know, even though we think we are innovating and doing new stuff, yes, we’re still stuck in tradition. And I think we should be it’s not a bad thing I really, I really like that, you know, growing up with fly fishing is pretty important as thing still some things that are recognizable and, and I like that and we do that as well. And when it comes to naming that’s really really difficult. It’s you know, it’s so easy that you put up put on a name and a Hogan a new kind of, you know, you categorize it in one way but and back in the day so I think people are looking at that name and saying, Okay, this is a piku I can’t use this one for bass, trout or anything like that. But that has changed. I think most people today is just looking at the hook is that okay? This is a nice hook. I can use this for whatever So it’s so To be honest, I would rather prefer not to give the hooks a name if we do it anyhow. But it’s we shouldn’t be honest. It should just just be a numbers of people can make up their own opinion on what they wanted to use it for. But yeah, yeah, that’s it, but there was a little bit stuck in tradition and put on a name anyhow.

Dave S 25:20
Yeah. Yeah, that’s a good point. I wanted to dig into pike here in a couple of seconds. Yeah. But before we get there, can you just talk about maybe what your most popular hook style or number you know, what is your most popular hook you guys sell?

Morten 25:34
Yeah, depends on where you are in the world. I would say if you’re looking at the, at the in the US, I think our our, the hook we call trout predator is tp 610. To be precise. That’s probably one of the most probably hooks we have. And I think number two now is the the stakes are the big stinger hook for muskie, but it’s also It’s also down to seasons a little bit. So if the muskie season is on we sell them all muskie hooks if the trout season we sell my trout hooks. And the last couple of weeks it’s been hex because the hexes hatching on us and so it is very much down to was it’s a seasonal say is more or less now because I think a lot of people still tie flies when just the night before they go fishing. Yeah, I do that. So

Dave S 26:26
that’s awesome. So

Morten 26:27
yeah, I think I think there’s still a lot of people still doing even though that during the corona covid 19 prizes. I think a lot of people have been Time flies, not just the night before they go impeaching, but just Time flies in general. How is

Dave S 26:42
How is COVID in your area and in Denmark?

Morten 26:46
We’re fine. Fine now. Actually, I think we have more or less back to normal. We’ve been very fortunate then. Okay. Oh, government government has taken good care of all this. I think and we Still need to take care. I think we all do it still. Yeah, I think a lot of people in Denmark kind of forgotten now that we even had COVID-19 pentameric.

Dave S 27:10
Are there people still wearing masks around there?

Morten 27:13
No, no, no mask in Denmark at all. Look at that. I mean,

Dave S 27:16
did you go through a phase where you had masks?

Unknown Speaker 27:18
No, no, no. You have

Dave S 27:20
to have to have a headset. That’s amazing thing here is we’re we’re like the example of the I think the probably the worst case scenario of how we handled it, because we’re going through a second phase now of, you know, it’s this crazy thing we’re actually having to increase and so it’s this bizarre, bizarre thing, but no, it’s good to hear things are good in your neck of the woods. Yeah, but

Morten 27:42
Yeah, I agree. It’s good to hear but I think I think we all need to still pay attention. That’s even though it looks quite good. Now. I think still things we need to pay attention. I think everybody should do that and take care of each other and keep the distance and all that i think i think this is No, we’re to be honest. It’s Yeah. And we see we do see a small outbreaks here and then when they really take good care of that, so I’m trying to track

where they came from and all that. So we just cross our fingers. That’s okay.

Dave S 28:14
Has your time. Try? I mean, obviously I met you, I think at IFTTT last year. Yeah, a lot of Yeah, a lot of that’s been canceled. It has your year, you know, over the next year, what you’re looking out over the next year changed quite a bit now that the travel is kind of changed.

Morten 28:29
Oh, yeah, for sure. And that will be Yeah, there’ll be almost no travel at all. And I even think I think we’ve been talking about this. I think I will change how we work as well. I think a lot of meetings will be held, like we do now on Skype, Microsoft meetings and all these new things. And I think I think that will change and I think we’ll travel less than we did before. Even though I think the airline companies would like to travel a lot again. I think they’re hurting a lot. But I don’t think we will travel as much as we did before and yeah, I think we’ll do other stuff maybe more meetings online and maybe keep it down to a few meetings a year traveling. That’s it.

Dave S 29:13
That’s it I think yeah change for sure. Well, let’s let’s dig in. I know you mentioned you know, browns and pikelets I’ve had obviously you know, some some big names Kelly gallop and I guess Kelly house more streamers and stuff like that. But gunner brain kind of Bramer was on and I’m sure we talked about you know, you guys on that show, we talked a little bit about pike but yeah, let’s talk about pike in your neck of the woods. Can you describe maybe take us to your home water? It sounds like you fish more pike in lakes. But can you bring us to the water and talk about maybe if you have a water you want to describe a name or if you want if not just talk about how you catch pike there?

Morten 29:51
Yeah, I do two things. Actually. We’re, we’re based in Denmark. It’s a pretty if you look at the maps demo is a pretty flat country. I think the highest point we have hindon mark is 190 meters high which is it’s nothing no

Unknown Speaker 30:07
600 feet. Yeah.

Morten 30:09
It’s like a pancake. So yeah, it is like it lakes in Denmark and I do travel quite a lot to Sweden to fish for pipes as well, especially in the northern part of Sweden which remains I think probably very looks very much like Canada I would say like, it’s more mountainous and it’s, yeah, it’s more pristine as well as beautiful area. So it’s two different things. I think back home area, we got a lot of agricultural in the area and some of the lakes are, you know, maybe over fertilized a little bit so that’s what we are facing here. So my pike fishing, I do most of it in the winter. because water is clear and any fishing is maybe not easier because it’s winter but It’s just, it just got to be I’d prefer to fish in clear water to be honest. And it likes to get green in the summer and all that so it’s winter fishing for me. And most of that fishing is done in in smaller lakes. Shallow lakes I prefer to be honest, what

Dave S 31:18
would be a small sadly

Morten 31:19
Yeah, what small? It’s a

Dave S 31:21
like a like a I’m thinking two acres, two acres. Okay.

Morten 31:24
Yeah, but that’s pretty I think that’s small in my world,

Dave S 31:29
so it’s

Morten 31:31
not deep, maybe three to six feet deep. Is my

what I prefer because you can always we do have bigger legs, which are deeper for sure. And you have a great chance as well. But I think when it comes to fly fishing, I think we be better off with with more shallow lakes and you I think you get closer to more fish if you fish a more shallow water than you do on a big Like was really deep and you need to use sinking lines and all that, but I do that as well. But I prefer the the other ones so yep. And another thing is that the pipes here are spawning in May. Okay and we have a we have a period in April we are not allowed to fish show the best season is from December until end of March and okay. And and they’re really strong they’re big and yeah, and if you don’t have to cold winter it’s it’s you can have some pretty good fishing that time of the year.

Dave S 32:30
Yes. Nice. So and how do the you know as far as the you know, the life history of pike I don’t know the whole what what you know when I guess they spawn like you said in May. And so but are they getting pretty big in the small lakes and how are they you know, I guess yeah, there’s lots of growth either lots of sun and all that stuff.

Morten 32:48
Yeah. Yeah, that it’s

this may be the advantage of some of these legs being a little bit over fertilize. There’s a lot white fish in these legs so they got pretty got a lot of food so it’s they’re growing. I think the downside is that the small lakes get very warm in the summer so they don’t add any weight in the summer do in the fall, winter and maybe early spring. So it’s but if you have a healthy Lake you’d still still grow pretty, pretty big sizes. I think we Lego fish you will have them we have them up to 25 pounds or something like that. And we vary this decent parkins nice and the same thing you will find in a lot of waters in Sweden especially especially the northern part of Sweden, you have a lot of easy accessible good pipe lace up there because they don’t leave a lot of people out there and it’s not fished hard for pike. They’re more into trout, grayling, salmon and all that so you can even though pike fishing is become more and more popular as well. So it’s still it’s still a pretty it’s still Small sport but do you probably I think one of the most important guys over here making this pack for making pike fishing popular is Nicholas power. And he is he’s done a great work in and there’s also a way to now I’m talking about something else but it’s also a way of attracting young people to fly fishing actually, because pike is easy accessible, it’s not expensive. You don’t need a lot of expensive gear either. So it’s a really good way to start fly fishing nets for pike especially in countries like Sweden where we have a lot of likes it’s it’s easy to everybody has a lake within maybe five miles of the house so it’s just you can just go there Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 34:43

Dave S 34:44
hose to like what Atlantic salmon I guess is the extreme right? That’s Yeah, that’s right. For sure. But no, that’s a good point. And even Yeah,

Morten 34:53
and even trout fishing over here is not that easy, accessible, to be honest. It’s I think you’re I think you log in to us. It’s You have, it’s pretty easy. It’s pretty easy to access good fishing in the US. It’s not as easy over here, I would say. So it’s not in Denmark at least Sweden is easier. That’s right.

Dave S 35:12
That’s pretty cool. That’s pretty cool to have Peggy I think you’re right. I mean, pikers seems like it’s really kind of I don’t know if it’s blowing up yet, but people realize that Pike’s an amazing fish to get into. Can you bring us to the to the water? I mean, what’s what are you fishing out of? Are you waiting? I mean, take us to the water, say one of those two acre lake or ponds. You’re going for pike? You know, talk about the rod reel, line. Yeah. And then and then what are you using to get into these fish?

Morten 35:39
Exactly. I’m using inflow to I’m

Unknown Speaker 35:43
to God, perfect.

Morten 35:44
I’ve done it for 20 years now and I love it.

Dave S 35:48
What float to do you have a name of a company like I’ve cast

Morten 35:51
the right now I have an outcast power. It’s It’s a fantastic, fantastic coach. Yeah, really good. Quality and really love my my throat you I’m trying to kayaks I’ve tried other kinds of boats and things like that but i’m not i’m i’ve never been a boat guy I’m a float guy. So that’s what I do and and it’s you know and in these small legs you don’t need about unique you don’t need a kayak anything else it’s much easier to get around in your flow tube. So typical day there would be yeah my flow too packed with fly boxes and two rods normally one for surface fishing and one for streamers. I prefer around six to eight weight I know that’s probably a little bit lighter than what you hear maybe in the US and even from the Dutch guys. The Dutch guys are using 10 weights 12 weights. I think it’s I think the reason for that actually this difference between countries there is that in in Holland, Netherlands, the fish were really big Very, very big flies quite heavy with a lot of material because the lakes are very unclear Alright, so I think they need a bigger route to cast these big streamers and up here where you may be facing clear water you can sufficiently smaller flies and lighter flies as well which you can easily cast on a six weight using a shooting head or something like that. So it’s so that’s a normal my normal setup it’s a shooting hair system with I do have both floating and intermediate and sinking lines for the legs for the shallow lakes I always use my intermediate lines for stream as my floater light for floating it for use a proper surface layer or something like that. Perfect so it’s a yeah and then the fish fishing there in general when you fish window is pretty cold water. So you you need I think there’s a few things you need to pay attention to when you fish for in that in the winner is unit to fish slowly, so you don’t, you can use really heavy flies with big leaded led eyes anything like that will sink too fast. So lightweight flies and alight, maybe intermediate line is what I’m preferring and and, and efficient pretty slowly normally if it’s a cold winter you Only you only get one chance with each fish because they lose using a lot of energy to attack your your bait. They even use a lot of energy to tag a small fish as well. Sure. So you need to you need to get them when you got a you need to hook them when you get the attack. So I think Yeah, slow slow receives and and, and and not too big flies. Is that what I’m using it it works pretty good. Gotcha.

Dave S 38:50
Gotcha and is the retrieve the slow retrieve is that kind of like a what do you do in like Poland? What does that retrieve look like? Are you mixing up quite a bit of either pretty standard research Even the winter.

Morten 39:00
Yeah, that’s pretty standard. But I like to especially in the winter, I prefer to pause quite a lot because it seems like they even have a lot of lot of takes when the fly was just kind of hoovering in the water. And it’s a thing a lot of people forget that a little bit, especially in the winter, it doesn’t matter it matter in the summer, but in the winter that you need to pass a lot on even sometimes when I’ve finished the retriever, just let the fly hang in the water and just in front of me. And I have quite a few takes right in front of me because seems like they just follow the fly maybe for eight to 10 meters without attacking. And then when you stand still in front of the belly, it can’t resist and they they attack anyhow, so yeah, slow retrieves another small thing here. small tip maybe is that don’t fish with flies that have too long tails in the winter. It seems like pike have a tendency to to Attack more often behind when the waters cold as to when it’s warmer, they attack more from the side. So you will have a lot of takes just you know, maybe just attacking if you take if you take the fire directly from behind it only by the tail if you have too long a tail, so it’s a short of short sales, maybe even you can use the trailer hook as well I’m not too happy about having two hooks in my flies. But if if you do that will increase catches I think if you have a trailer hook, or just make the tail shorter. Gotcha. Yeah.

Dave S 40:36
Okay that you know that’s a some good tips there. So, in when you talk about flies, maybe we can just jump into a little segment the 222 which is top two flies top two tips, top two resources and you know for this if we’re talking about flies, what pattern you’re describing that you know you’re we’re in a shower three to six foot lake and you’re kind of out there fishing in your flow to what would be a couple good patterns, we might be able to look up online.

Morten 41:00
I’m really big fan of Papa, which is flies. I think he is very lightweight, easy to cast. So my parents are variations of beast flies, you could say reverse tide bucktails and all that. Color wise black, maybe probably black is number one white. Number two, he also published classics, I would say if you read his books, it’s a that’s I think White is his number one, Black is number two. But to me, it’s it’s vice versa a little bit, but I think I think both work really, really well. And yeah, and I think that, for me, it’s not so much about patterns. It’s more like it’s more important that they’re super lightweight. I even have flies made just out of flashabou which is spawn in a dubbing loop and then and then turn around who and and it and it’s decrease very lively fly, which is very lightweight. So I think Wait for me is more important than how the flies is stressed out if it’s a specific pattern, but if you look into patterns but proper gesture, okay, he he knows what he’s doing. Gotcha yeah grammar as you work on grammar, same thing. Anything he is inspired by published as well I think we all are when it comes to these big flies he’s he’s been yeah he’s such an important fly turn in. And I think all of us are inspired more or less by him it’s it’s right yeah. And maybe adapted a little bit but it comes from him.

Dave S 42:38
Yeah, that’s right. Yeah, Gunner did talk about puppets and I haven’t had him on yet but we’ve talked on email so he’ll we’ll get him on as well. Okay, so and then

Morten 42:49
I’ll get into that. I’ll listen to that one.

Dave S 42:51
Okay. Yes.

Morten 42:53
He is the master in my world. What

Dave S 42:55
question if you had to ask Popovich a question, what would Do you have one that would come to mind? Or do you pretty much have you read all this stuff? You know, kind of all his his? You know how I

Morten 43:05
think? I think, yeah, I’ve read all his stuff for sure. I think you need to if you if you really, if you’re really keen on, on predator fishing, it doesn’t matter if it’s Tiger muskie bass, but all these big predators, I think you need to read his books. Yeah, I would probably ask him where he got all because he must have fished quite a lot. Otherwise he’s a very smart guy who can figure out because I think what I like about his book is is it’s based and it’s based on facts, actually, he said he has fished a lot and he must have, so I would just probably just curious how much how he goes, get that much time for fishing, developing all these techniques, and doing so well. That’s right. So he’s,

Dave S 43:48
yeah, that’s right. So you met you mentioned the flashabou fly. So is that fly so you’re just literally it’s just a wider black, kind of a bright, thinly does you No thinly designed flashabou fly

Morten 44:02
no the flashy blue flies I normally do in other colors I think it’s more the bees fly said you wouldn’t play a virus but you could I do have flashlights in black as well but when they got a similar design you could say but I think with the flash you can add more color to it like gold silver and yeah whatever calling like I think today you can get almost all colors and flashabou so it’s everything and even holographics and pearls and all that so there’s a lot of sand you can but to be to be honest then and I’ve tried I tried so many different colors and I it seems like you The more you fish Dale the fewer flies you actually use I think you’re getting your basics right and so I know it sounds boring, but it will come down to black silver.

You know, gold copper and yeah and black and white when it comes to the beasts and and buckton flies. Yeah, it is

And this is a true noun event for sure this is true. Oh, chartreuse. Right. That’s right. Yeah. Okay. And what?

Dave S 45:06
What would be your hook that you guys have that would be good with those flies? Or is there a number of different ones you might use?

Morten 45:12
Yeah, I have one one who can particularly actually which, and then then we’re back to the names and naming. This is actually the hook out of the trout predator series. It’s called the 615. It’s a it’s a long shank, lightweight, hook in and I use afo which is my preferred size for pike fishing. And then the just pinch the bar because we don’t need pipes and pipe fly fishing To be honest, back to naming of,

Unknown Speaker 45:42
you know,

Morten 45:44
it is difficult because trout predators and predator overlaps quite a lot. So it’s, I used to trout predator 615 and even the 610 it’s a it’s a pretty, the two good hooks for that. As long as they’re lightweight and strong enough to hold a big fish. I think the six feet 615 is that it might be something different if you’re fishing a big stream where you have a lot of power and the water but I think for pond fishing you don’t need anything else than that to be honest

Dave S 46:17
as it sounds like your area maybe is a little unique. Well I know the cool thing is there’s lots of small ponds all around the world so that’s a great great thing but yeah, I mean like you said lots of guys there’s guys fishing deeper water and have dark you know, water they can’t the visibility isn’t as good so there’s all sorts of different conditions but for the condition you’re describing, which is pretty clear water in the winter light a light hook and yeah, yeah, that sounds that’s the way i’d love because it said to me, you know casting a gigantic heavy and using a 12 weight or even a 10 weight is that doesn’t sound like a lot of fun. Although rods are better now obviously than they used to be. What’s your recommendation? Do you have a rod you know company or anything you Know you like to use out there

Morten 47:02
yeah I’m I am I’m a Scott guy when it comes to your RSI right right now I fish for

for pike I use my radian nine oh wait which is a very good rod and even tried the new saltwater rods for for pike fishing the new Scott sector and I don’t know how much you into Scott Ross but I think in my in my opinion for pike fishing at least I’m not the sole water guys need to talk about saltwater fishing with the new Ross but I think actually I think Scott has made a really really good pie grow to the new school sector even though it’s meant meant for soul water because it’s a it’s a it’s a Yeah, it’s much more forgiving than the old meridian they had. I think a lot of salt water guys preferred the meridian because they could cast longer and all that but for practical fishing sitting in the flow to score sector our aid weight is perfect for that and it’s It’s not too stiff it is is really nice rod for that so yeah radian So Scott sectors that’s the two routes I prefer for that purpose

Dave S 48:09
parade Ross both yeah I haven’t I haven’t used a Scott too often but I know the I have to check our local fly shop I have a we have an affiliate deal set up with our local the gorge fly shop so if anybody listening okay yeah, I wanted to check out I believe they have Scott but I’ll have to double check if they do I’ll put a link in the show notes to that rod you’re talking about?

Unknown Speaker 48:32
Yeah, those rods.

Dave S 48:34

Morten 48:34
yeah, when it when it comes to reels and lines and all that it’s, as I said, it’s more for me, it’s it’s a shooting head system and I use the scientific angles for that. And there’s a lot of good lines out there for scientific areas and have all been always been scientific angles for me. So that’s what I’m using. And then three years it’s watery slams and rails but it could be Anything but I really like the design I think you know Scandinavian descent design is something that lives together so I think this the waters lamps and greens are appealing to me so

nice really really nice Really?

Dave S 49:15
Yeah there’s there’s a ton of good stuff okay, well let’s keep so we got flies on that 222 so in you mentioned some tips any other a couple of tips you want to throw out there for for fishing like we’re talking about for pike

Morten 49:27
yeah I think I have a few small is small things but that’s something may you know, you know how that is. It’s sometimes the small things but the most important one thing I actually just discovered recently I’ve had a really hard time to find the right wire for pike fishing as a Yeah, it I just noticed that isn’t it just because I hadn’t have any gain from this but I think the new scientific answer just made and use seven times seven strand wire which is really really nice for pike face and they got a 25 pounds and a 45 pounds in that one and I prefer the 25 pounds it’s it’s just a fantastic wire and it’s not double you can you can make your knots and all that it’s really nice to use and just I just connected to piece of

Dave S 50:18

Morten 50:21
It doesn’t matter what what kind of you can use. What’s the knot you use? Well what are you to tie? Yeah, yeah, between the between the wire and the and the the monofilament or maybe fluorocarbon I’d use just a surgeon’s knot or if you even know what you can even use I think you’ve got some connectors now. I think it was not too kinky made some connectors many years ago I still have a few of those where you have two small holes where you can do you not know that they quite nice. Okay and then you says some Just a small snap lock to, to tie on the put on the fly. Yeah, that’s I know that’s small things, but it is really hard to find the right way. I don’t want it to be too stiff or too soft. You don’t want to curl up when you have you got the first pike and I’ve seen a lot of wires just curl up when you had the first patient that’s really annoying, to be honest. So

yeah, it was just a small thing, but it’s Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 51:27
that’s great. That’s great. Yeah.

Morten 51:29
So bring a towel when you have pike fishing in the window, your hands will

Dave S 51:32
call. Oh, bring it bring a towel just to keep your hands warm.

Morten 51:35
Yeah, yeah,

Dave S 51:37
that’s right. What is it like? What is it what if you’re out there December you know, how cold does it get out there? I can’t get

Morten 51:44
Yeah, it’s I’m not so good with fire. Right. But then in Denmark, it would be zero degrees and I’m not sure what it is in Fahrenheit. But it’s it’s just before it’s the right

Dave S 51:58
thing. Yeah.

Morten 51:59
Yeah. Before it’s

Dave S 52:01
So yeah, you’re not getting down to like way way below zero

Morten 52:06
no otherwise the lakes will just freeze up and we’re not so I’m trying to and you know the that’s the backside of all this with the climate change and all that I think we don’t have ice in the windows anymore which is good for fishing. I’m not sure if it’s good for for the nature but it’s it’s it allows us to fish already all year round now actually, it’s I think it’s more than four or five years ago that we couldn’t go fishing when in the winter. So it is getting warmer here as well as it is everywhere in the world of thing. So, so it’s it’s

Yeah, which allows us to fish mobile pack in the winter. But

Dave S 52:44
yeah, this is the global warming. We won’t dig in too much on that there’s a whole No, I’d love to I’d love to dig into it too, because there’s a lot of good stuff there including, like, I have a friend that we just Oh, he was doing some stuff. Work at his property and he got a new new Tesla, new Tesla the garage. And I haven’t even driven I haven’t even driven a Tesla yet. But, you know, it just goes back to that thing like all this stuff. And that’s the cool thing about flyfishing is right, we’re all in this this industry, it’s really conservation minded. So I think that’s one of the great things.

Morten 53:17
Oh, yes.

Dave S 53:18
Do you notice? Do you notice that in Denmark, you guys are probably ahead of the curve on a lot of that stuff is that is kind of conservation, all that stuff. Pretty, pretty hot topic over there.

Morten 53:29
I think we am probably better at

working on renewable energy or things like that, then we are on. Yeah, because then my academic is a is agricultural country. So we have a lot of farming around here. And you know, when a country has a lot of farming, you always have issues around that. Farmers. It’s important for me, yeah, it’s important. Exactly. And it’s important for the country that the that the farmers can do what they’re doing and all that You guys don’t have loot

Dave S 54:01
you guys don’t have really like a, you know, necessarily an endangered, endangered species where you that takes precedence over the agriculture sort of thing. Or

Morten 54:14
we do have that in in some cases, I would say, but I’m not. I don’t think it works really, really well. To be honest, I think we can learn more about this from other countries. But I think I do think a lot of things are good here because, as I said, a lot of we’ve got a lot of wind energy here now and I think it today it’s smaller than I think with Denmark is covered with I think 60% of the use of energy in Denmark come from wind. So it is it is I think, there we are ahead of the curve. It’s but maybe, and then and that’s it, you know, that’s important for our nature and what have you as well, but it is just, sometimes we still see cases where you you, you get polluted streams and from farming and all that. It’s not over yet. I hear ya.

Dave S 55:06
Yeah. Cool. Well, let’s say we met you at the start about some of your books. Can you just describe? I’m not sure how many books you have out there but yeah, a couple of your books.

Morten 55:16
Yeah, it isn’t it it’s it’s a back in the days I was younger.

Dave S 55:20
Oh, yeah.

Morten 55:22
It’s it’s I think the last book I made was maybe I can’t remember. It’s almost in a while. Almost 20 years ago. That’s That’s cool. Yeah. It’s

Dave S 55:33
what got you in Well, maybe just I don’t know if you wanted to talk about maybe just pick one out that we can. It can you still find these books out there anywhere?

Morten 55:41
I’m not sure I think. I don’t think they’re available anymore. To be honest. It was about flying. So all we saw we always been about fly fishing and fly tying these will fly tying books. I’ve spent more than 30 years old so it’s almost 25 years ago to be honest. There you go. So it’s I knew it all back then. Yeah, you know that when you’re younger, you know what I was right? I don’t know.

Dave S 56:03
So do you have? Do you want to throw out a Dave? So we could try to dig it up on the Google machine? Or

Morten 56:09
I just I think if you just Google my name and write books, I think you’d probably find it.

Dave S 56:14
So if you looked at that book, now you picked it up and you read it, would you be? Would you be happy with reading it? Or would be would it kind of make you cringe a little bit?

Morten 56:24
No, I think I’ll still be happy because it was kind of you know, if you do, you probably have it the same way. When you look back at things you’ve done when you were younger, you can still kind of imagine how it was when you had that age. And you thought, as I said, I said with that Bogo, I think we put in maybe 100 patents we used at that time, probably not use a lot of those patterns today, but we thought we that was a toss. That’s what we love back then. And that was Yeah, it’s kind of a time machine you can say and you can look at it and I’m still proud of what we did there. When I still have Hugo flies in my boxes so it was not it was not too bad. There you go. Sure, yeah, we are in in in an evolving hobby. So I think especially the last 10 years I think a lot of things have happened I think we’re getting closer and closer to two from what you’ve seen the spinning and and and luring industry and, and trying to recreate that without flies and a lot of things have changed to in the better way to be honest. It’s not so it’s not locked anymore. You must do it like this. You must have five wraps of things on your seven, five, otherwise it wouldn’t work. And that’s what I grew up with. It’s I think it’s positive that people are so creative now

Unknown Speaker 57:41
to do cool.

Dave S 57:44
And you’re so as far as resources you obviously you know, we talked about profit any other books, magazines, people we might want to look at to kind of dig into pike fishing a little more that Yeah,

Morten 57:57
yeah, I must say I’m very much into books. I still are and I still am. And it’s a it’s a very fantastic resource for in. And I think you have some, some really good writers in the US. We mentioned Bob Popovich because a lot of other guys out there doing a really good job. And they have so much knowledge and I thankfully they’d still want to share it in books and not just on Rick Stoll is just came up with a book and and his books like that are very important to me. pedco and I think, yeah, so it’s, they it’s important, I think, I’m happy that they’re still publish properties out there that wants to do books. I know it’s difficult these days, because a lot of a lot of things are online today, but I think we should support and still buy books and learn from them. It’s definitely and I do Sure,

Dave S 58:53
yeah, I’ll put a link to that I actually had recently. Rich strawless and pat Cohen on different episodes. Ah, yeah, I’ll put links. Yeah, they were great. Yeah, Pat. Pat talked about tying the big, you know, all the deer hair stuff. And I’m sure he probably has in your hooks as well. And then rich straws definitely mentioned you guys. He said he loves he loves your hooks as well. So yeah, it’s all obviously a cool little, you know, you’re good. I mean, those guys are tired the big stuff and you know, and that’s what you especially I mean, would you say your company? I mean, as we start to wrap this thing up? You know, do you specialize more? That is your thing, the big, the big hooks the big more than some of the other types of hooks?

Morten 59:36
Yeah, I think you’re right there actually, even though that we want to kind of cover it all. I think we have become known as the brand who takes care of the big hooks, I must say. So we’re selling more big hooks than smaller hooks and we do have a pretty, pretty big freshwater series with all the dry fly and limbs and all that as well. And which is just as important as is for with all the big hooks. But I think I think that’s where we I think that’s where we came from and and and it’s Yeah, I think it’s and I think there’s a lot of more a lot more good freshwater hooks out there like nymphs and dryers and all that i think i think we kind of the big hoax was in smaller niche you can say and we kind of covered that in the beginning and I think people right, so yeah, I think I agree that we’re probably we’re probably more known for the big crusade and big hoax than the small hooks.

Dave S 1:00:35
I would say that’s perfect. So I got a couple of questions. Take us out of here. Yeah, and one of them you know, you mentioned at the start I think you got fishing when are you started when you’re 17 are in that range. If you look back at your let’s say your 20 year old self, you know back when you were 20 This is a while back. What What advice would you What advice would you give to that kid that you know, the Dow that maybe would help them

Morten 1:01:00
I would say one thing that has been really, really important for me is not just to be locked in one species, try fish with the fly for all species, you can find it. So you learn so much. And you can fish for all kinds of species. It doesn’t matter what species I’m looking for. I think it’s still fun. And you learn so much from you can use some of the techniques used for pike, you can use that for saltwater species and vice versa. So I think that’s Don’t Don’t be too narrow minded. I would actually yeah.

Dave S 1:01:34
And the same flies, you’re using the same you’re using a pike fly on different species.

Morten 1:01:39
Exactly. And you can maybe downsize a little bit for other species. So you can upsize it if you need to do that. So it’s maybe a few of the collars and maybe another hook and you can do these small tweaks to your parents, but yeah, but I think I think I see that more and more and a lot of people are getting focused on just one speech. See seven, for example, and I think I wouldn’t say it’s wrong, but I just think it’s you. If you’re young gangland just I think you should keep an eye out and try as much as you can. Just Yeah. Enjoy life switching.

Dave S 1:02:14
Right? Yeah. I, yeah, no, I’ll second that. I have a friend Greg Weiss. Gerber is a good buddy of mine. He just loves fly tying and I’m not sure if he uses your hooks or not, but I, he gave me He tied me some flies for saltwater, just some basic stuff on my last, you know, just some general stuff, man, but I’ve been using this little flyout even though what he calls it, but I bet I was just fishing for smallmouth bass with my kids. And that was the best fly. So you know, it’s just like, yeah, especially these flies. Were they they’re just I don’t know, they’re flashy that you can use them on also, and I’m sure it would work on trout as well in the right condition.

Morten 1:02:46
Yeah. Yeah. And I think I think in general, I think that’s what happening these year. People are more aware of all these pieces we can fish and apply. It’s not just trout, trout and salmon and and better anymore. It’s everything you can. Yeah, everything you can imagine. So I also because you have a lot of development in lines and rods and reels and flies and hooks, you, you you can actually target every species you want it. It’s it’s not impossible anymore.

Dave S 1:03:19
Do you have a species on your bucket list? You haven’t hit yet but that you want to get to before before we head out of here.

Morten 1:03:27
Yeah, I am, but I can’t remember the name I was I have a i was i was communicating with a friend on Instagram. He was from some part of the southern part of the US where you had it but it doesn’t really matter. I just thought it was very beautiful. I have to look name up I can put in. You could put it on the comments and I’ll look it up and see what species is. Well, that’s excellent. It’s probably it’s probably pretty common fish. I don’t I just thought it looked really beautiful. I wanted

Dave S 1:03:58
some sort of like a sunburn. fish like a like a blue gill or something like that or something like

Morten 1:04:03
yeah i think i don’t think it was one of those but it’s probably in the same family I would say I haven’t looked it up I have somewhere in my

Dave S 1:04:10
yeah that’s cool now I’m interested to hear what we’ll put a link to link to that and and then what about on your you obviously tie a lot of flies and you’ve got Instagram You’re doing a great job there What do you think you you know what do you What’s your advice? What what’s your advice you use and then we’ll talk about your other advice here but what what is your what’s your advice of choice and right now?

Morten 1:04:31
It’s a regal I must say it’s a regal wrestler, again there there’s a lot of fantastic devices out there. But I think it’s just a you know, it is a really reliable wise it’s been around for many many years and it’s videos super durable and all that and easy to easy to use. So yeah, I use my regal.

Dave S 1:04:56
What about your advice so this is not a different I’m not sure. If the Language kind of conversion but you know vice what anything you do that maybe is something you’ve had to quit in your life or something that’s kind of been maybe maybe a negative thing that you’ve, you’ve partake in it could be you know, like some people, some people were smoking and they had to quit anything, anything like that, that you can give us a little shout a little insight into your history.

Morten 1:05:20
Oh, that was a good one.

Dave S 1:05:24
Huh, putting you I’m putting you on the spot here. But I tell you by all as you think, as you think I’ll tell you my I haven’t really talked about this too much. But for years, I chewed tobacco which is a really disgusting habit. You know, tobacco, it’s over here. It’s kind of, you know, I guess it used to be maybe a popular thing, but I quit that when my first kid was born. And yeah, you know, and it’s been the greatest thing ever quitting it because I’m just obviously healthier and all that stuff, but I’m not sure if you have something like that. Or if it’s just like you saw

Morten 1:05:54
i think i got i think again, what you mean and thing

I’m constantly reminded about it and actually now you bring it up as should maybe pay attention. But it’s it’s all. It’s also something to do with the conversation conservation. Actually, it’s his whole kick plastic thing. All right. I do buy too many soft drinks in plastic,

Dave S 1:06:17
I should kick plastic. That’s a great is a hard one to do. I’m really

Morten 1:06:22
bad at that. Honestly, it’s and you know, being in this industry and doing what we do and love it so much. We do have a system over here where we can hand the plastic bottles back to the shop and get paid And all that which is fantastic. I do that I do that. I don’t throw them out just in the garbage can and all that but I still think I could do better on that. I would keep I would say yes. That’s what I would do. I love it.

Dave S 1:06:46
Yeah. What about what about heyrex hooks anything that nobody knows about? Something a little insider stuff that maybe you’ve never told anybody? Any what would be a little a little thing that no but what does nobody know about your company? that maybe is interesting.

Morten 1:07:01
No. Okay. I thought it was a new something new coming out. I don’t know. I can tell you a little secret. I can tell you Yeah.

Oh, cool. Yeah. And you hook design.

Dave S 1:07:12
Oh, there you go. So that’s coming that’s coming out in the next the next six months or a year or

Morten 1:07:16
so. Yeah, they would probably be out in October or something like that. Hopefully we’ll get the first hooks in August. So, yeah, and

Dave S 1:07:26
yeah, all right. Perfect. Perfect. Well, we’ll stay tuned for that. And all it

Morten 1:07:30
is. Yeah, that’s pretty pretty rad fly. Who can tell you that? It’s, it’s a little thing. You haven’t seen anything out there? Like, I don’t have like Lucy. It’s, it’s a bit of a very special thing, actually. So yep. That’s Best Kept. Secret I have. There you

Unknown Speaker 1:07:48
go. There you go.

Dave S 1:07:49
I’ll leave it at that. So. So yeah, well, I just wanted to thank you for coming on and sharing a little insight into kind of what you have going and some tips on pike and yeah, just Appreciate you coming on, and we’ll keep in touch with you as as we move forward here.

Morten 1:08:04
And thank you for having me. It was a big pleasure. I hope you can understand all my all my English with a Danish accent. Oh yeah. Well,

Dave S 1:08:11
you did awesome. I loved it. So yeah, we’ll talk to you soon. All right, good. See ya. Great. Thanks. So there you go. If you want to find all the show notes with all the links, we covered, just go to wet fly swing comm slash 150. That is 150 episodes. And that’s actually, technically I don’t know exactly. But there’s more because we actually had some that weren’t listed with episode numbers, but we’re just gonna keep it at 150. And I just wanted to say, holy crap, that’s a lot. Since December of 2017, I have not missed a single week of podcasting. I’ve been coming to you every Tuesday with new episodes. So I’m very happy that you are with me on this journey. I’m happy that you found some helpful information along the way. Some inner Telling stories, a better connection with the natural world with this community, maybe you’ve connected with somebody along the way maybe met somebody new talk to somebody learned about somebody. And I feel like 150 more episodes is going to be even better than the first it I can’t say it’s been easy all the time, you know, to stick with it, but, but I just feel like I’m gonna keep pushing this thing stronger. So I look forward to hearing from you and to better understand where you’re coming from, what’s going on and keep you up to date on the show. This is not my show. I feel very strongly about that. This is definitely your show. So I love, love, love to hear from you. And if you haven’t checked in with me, please take a moment if you’ve never connect with me and and let me know who you are. I’d love to hear about you. I’d love to hear your story. I’d love to celebrate, you know, celebrate what we have going 150 right. I mean this is. This is I’m not sure if you’ve listened to all 150 episodes in the past. If you’ve listened one or all 150 I feel like it’s just been totally amazing. So, just want to just say thank you again and and the little surprise here is I’ve got a little early intro into a poetry read. If you wanted to potentially read some of the poetry coming up, I’d like to hear from you on that too because I’d like to find some other people that could do this. So let’s let’s jump into this. No business. I weighed remnants of no business Creek. There used to be a steel tucked up the Gulch beyond the shack we tore down folks would say he had no business being up there. Creek trips in the river blends bends right, cottonwood angles over a deep cut. In August heat we strip and sink wash off work dust in the shade. September I come alone to cast Short flicks overshadows snagging flies in bushes practice in patience. The untangling a hit of pleasure at a fly precisely placed white hackles bobbing sometimes lost in bursts of light on water. The surface of the world is warming, waking. No business needs my attention. Morning slips in today, the still air undisturbed by speech. Nora SD holds a doctorate in mathematics from UC Berkeley and published articles on topological dynamics. she now lives off the grid in Eastern Oregon writing poetry raising sheep and fly fishing. That sounds like an amazing, amazing person and amazing life, Nora. I’m not sure if you’re listening to this, but I hope to meet you and I appreciate you for sharing the poetry and that’s awesome man off the grid, Oregon poetry

You know, right now August I guess right now it’s August when we’re doing this or it’s actually not August. It’s July. Right now. It’s July when I’m reading this, but when this goes out when you’re listening to it, if you’re listening to it right away, it’s gonna be August maybe it’s, and that’s august of 2021. You also might be listening to this in August of 2030. Could you imagine that 2030 I’ll be in my 50s anyways, you know how much I love the podcast, the podcasting. I’ve got a bunch of stuff going on and you know, appreciate appreciate being alive. So let’s make the most of the this year and get on the water. Thanks, everyone. See you soon. Let’s do one more read

Unknown Speaker 1:14:05
one more read.

Dave S 1:14:11
I weighed remnants of no business Creek. There used to be a steel tucked up the Gulch beyond the shack we tore down. folks would say he had no business being up there. Creek trips into rivers blends bends right that’s wrong. Alright one last time if I don’t get it I’m gonna skip it. I weighed remnants of no business Creek. There used to be a steel tucked up the Gold’s beyond the shack we tore down folks would say, he had no business being up there. Creek trips into river blends bends right, cottonwood angles over a deep cut and August heat. We strip and sink wash off work dust in the shade. September I come alone to cast short flicks overshadows I’m going to skip it because I just made an error and the other one was just one letter and I’m gonna stop there and just call it God. Thank you, everyone. Thank you. I’m gonna leave these cuts in as bonus bonus, as you can see that I definitely take multiple cuts and I’m not perfect. Actually, if you’ve been listening to this, you know that I’m not perfect because I’ve made plenty of errors along the way, but as, as all good has any people that are if you want to get good at something, what’s the secret? Keep doing it and doing it and doing it doing it. Alright.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:38
Have a good night.

Dave S 1:15:41
What is the best takeaway or not take away what’s the best message to leave off on the best message to leave off or the best single word you could say?

Love is the answer.

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morten valeur

Conclusion with Morten Valeur

Morten Valeur who founded Ahrex Hooks talks about what they have going and how they have been very popular among predator hooks.   We also find out how Morten fishes for Pike in Denmark and how to apply that information here.